About Us
The PFMU provides coordination, supervision and management of fiduciary services for donor funded projects in order to achieve the projects' development objectives consistent with Government's priorities and in line with donor procedures.
Our Mission
The strategic Objective of the PFMU is to:
Design and implement credible financial management systems and arrangements that will ensure efficient and transparent utilization of funds in support of Government’s programs.
Design and implement a robust and efficient procurement management system based on required guidelines, procedures and controls to ensure value for money
Improve and strengthen the performance of donor projects in the country
Provide quality coordination and supervision of projects in order to track progress towards the achievement of project development objectives
Provide an effective channel of communication and collaboration between Government and donors on projects development and implementation

Title | Sector | Implementing Entity | Deliverables | Start Date | End Date |
Harmonizing and Improving Statistics in West Africa | Governance | Statistics Sierra Leone | To harmonize, produce, disseminate and enhance the use of core economic and social statistics. | 10-Sep-20 | 31-Dec-25 |
Integrated and Resilient Urban Mobility Project | Transport | Transport Infrastructure Development Unit (TIDU, MTA) | To improve quality of public transport, address climate resilience, improve road safety in selected areas and enhance institutional capacity in the transport sector | 11-Oct-19 | 30-Jun-24 |
Sierra Leone Financial Inclusion Project | Financial | Project Implemnting Unit, BSL | To increase the interoperability of digital payments and access to financial
services for individuals. | 28-May-19 | 30-Jun-25 |
Sierra Leone Skills Development Project | Education | Skills Development Fund Secretariat/ MTHE | To increase access to demand-led skills training and build the foundations for a demand-led skills development system in Sierra Leone. | 20 - Dec- 18 | 31-Oct-23 |
Sierra Leone Agro-Processing Competitiveness Project | Agriculture | Project Implemnting Unit, MTI | To improve the business environment in agribusiness sector and increase productivity of targeted agro-processing firms in Sierra Leone | 24-Oct-18 | 31-Dec-23 |
Freetown Emergency Recovery Project | Emergency | UNOPS, SLRA, GVWC, ONS, FCC, PIU/MoF | To rehabilitate selected critical infrastructure and to strengthen government capacity for managing disaster risk. | 13-Apr-18 | 28-Feb-21 |
Sierra Leone Economic Diversification Project | Tourism | PIU/MoF, MTI, MoT | To increase investment and growth of small and medium enterprises in non-mining productive sectors. | 28-Feb-18 | 17-Dec-20 |
Strengthening Community Mobilization and Local Council Service Delivery in the Post-Ebola Context | Governance | Decentralization Secretariat/ | To respond to the post-EVD needs at the local level in Sierra Leone by building community resilience through EVD sensitization efforts and social mobilization activities in the districts most affected by the disease. | 23-Jun-17 | 27-Dec-20 |
West Africa Region Fisheries Program WARFP | Fisheries | Fisheries Management Coordination Office/PFMU | To strengthen governance and management of targeted fisheries and improve handling of landed catch at selected sites. | 08-Jun-17 | 31-Dec-21 |
Public Financial Management Improvement and Consolidation Project | Financial | PCU, MoF/ PFMU | To improve budget planning and credibility, financial control and accountability, and legislative and public oversight in the management and use of government finances in Sierra Leone | 19-Sep-14 | 31-Mar-21 |
Resilient Urban Sierra Leone Projects* | Governance | PMU/FDD, MoF/ PFMU | To improve integrated urban management, service delivery, and disaster risk management in Western Area and secondary cities of Sierra Leone | Pipeline | |
Accountable Governance for Local Council Service Delivery Project | Governance | PCU, MoF/ PFMU | To improve resource management, transparency and accountability of government systems for enabling the delivery of local development projects and basic services. | Pipeline |